Home Repair

Spring Cleanup - Fences and Gates

This topic is available here on The Repair-Place forum
FINALLY at last, the weather is warming up. Its time to go outside and take care of business. Look around, see if everything looks OK. Check your fences and gates. If they are in need of repairs, now is the time.
FENCE: If your fence is wood and is not redwood, cypress, cedar or pressure treated, all the parts should be protected against insects and rot with either a preservative or paint. If any parts are already rotted or broken, replace them first. Wire brush the bad areas then preserve or paint.
GATES: If you have a gate that sags, first check to see if the hinges are secured to both the gate and the post. If not, remove the screws, put a few toothpicks into the holes (with some exterior glue) and put the screws back in. Do the same with the latch hardware while your there. If the gate still sags then its time for more drastic measures. You can either a) get a kit at the local home center for sagging gates which has a steel cable, turnbuckle, and some corner brackets or you can just use a 1 x 4 piece of wood attached at the bottom corner on the hinge side (the side with out the pickets of course!), to the opposite corner at the top of the gate. Make sure you use weather resistant hardware and hold the gate how you want it before you screw the second corner!


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