Home Repair

Repairing water damaged areas

This topic is available here on The Repair-Place forum
This year has been a crazy year for the winter weather. If you have any interior water damage that you are going to repair yourself, here are a few pointers... First, make sure that the leak problem has been cured! Then wait a week or so to let the wet area dry out. Make sure it’s dry! If there is any crumbly areas that need to be patched use a setting type joint compound and mesh tape to repair. Make the repair match the existing area as close as possible. If there is peeling paint scrape and sand until smooth, then fill in any low areas with patching compound. Next you need to seal the stained area with one of those "stain kill primers" they are mostly shellac base to seal the area from bleeding through. Now you are ready to paint the final two coats!! If it’s been a while since the area has been painted, you'll probably need to paint the whole wall / ceiling


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