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It's been a few days and I figure you're missing me so I'll ask this silly question.
The previous owners painted the bathroom gloss white and I want to wallpaper. I was just going to sand it all smooth - I took down the cabinets and there are paint ridges - but is this the best way to tackle this issue?
Some of the spots now showing are probably the original paint from 1954.
And there's the ceiling to consider. Now that the cabinets are down, there are the ridges and the whole thing should be painted. Ugh.
Should I be worried about lead paint?
Jil |
Not a silly question at all!
Try not to sand the paint from 1954. It HAS lead in it. Just scrape off the new paint ridges with a putty knife and then smooth it over with joint compound. THEN sand smooth...
I would prime the walls with a primer that the wallpaper / paint store recommends. That will stick to the gloss paint then paper over it. There is a paint made for every application. You may have to roughen up the glossy surface too though. |
Hey, that's the right answer!
I still haven't recovered from sanding the kitchen cabinets a few years back, which is why I never started this project to begin with.
J |
Power tools!
Get (or borrow) a palm sander with a vac attachment |
Silly Guru, I've got that 6 piece Ryobi tool set with the wheels, you think I don't have a sander, LOL?!? It does not have a vacuum attachment, though, I should do something about that. I bet Sears is having a sale . . .
The worst part of the cabinets was over the counter. I gave up relatively quickly and cut plywood to fit. Those babies were smooottthhh when I was done, I have to say. It was almost a shame to paint over them.
J |
You can make a dust collection system if your sander has a dust bag. Just fit a shop vac to the bag area any way that you can get it to fit. Even if tape is the only way. Also there are multitudes of adapters at the home centers.
Make sure it's a shop vac because the dust will eventually ruin a house vac.
Happy sanding! |
floofdog wrote: I've got that 6 piece Ryobi tool set with the wheels
J |
Ron will be real jealous if he reads this!!! He want's that system real bad. You should tell him how much you like it too!  |
I responded here: |
Hey, today is sanding day! The S-W guy said I'd have to rough up the gloss no matter what, so here I am. I did get I'm being careful about avoiding the old lead paint and I ended up going out and buying a new oribital sander and a new shop vac. The hose on the old one constantly falls out and the whole thing always falls over so I decided it was time to "upgrade." The sander fits right onto the shop vac . . . Ooh. Aaah!
That's probably why I have so many tools! I'd rather spend the money and have something that's more efficient and easier to do the job.
Anyway, I want to tell you about the tub cover I built from plywood and a 2x4. I cut the plywood to fit over the tub and then screwed the 2x4 to the underside as a stop to keep the whole thing from sliding off the tub. It works great! Plus now I can use the tub as a storage space for everything that was on the wall or in the shower or on the counter.
I used my cordless drill and cordless circular saw . . . |
Awesome idea! I'll write that one down and use it next time I do a bathroom over!
You could put some carpet on the underside where it sits on the tub so it won't scratch. Use double sided carpet tape! |
Carpet is a good idea and it might help with the only problem I've had - caulk sticking to the plywood. It was a crappy caulk job anyway and needed redoing, but still.
Other than that, it works great. I even put the shop vac up there. |
Of course I looked at a bathroom remodel and it had a 1 piece fiberglass tub. lol ..
No place to use "our" plywood cover.... |