This topic is available here on The Repair-Place forum | Dear Guru
I read your post where you mentioned that your skylights leak at the bottom of the well, mine does the same. Everytime it rains water comes running out both corners of the well at the bottom of the skylight. What could the problem be? |
| Sorry Guru, you're not the one with the leaky skylights, that would be Ron. Also the skylights are the opening type. I have two lights in a newly constructed sunroom, one leaks the other doesn't. I have had them fixed five times, the last time a certified Velux installer reinstalled them. After the first fix, which consisted of adding tar, the one stopped leaking, but no amount of tar stopped the other skylight leak and it still leaks even after the reinstallation! Could the leak be coming from somewhere else on this new roof. Please help.
Margo  | WoW!
First question is what pitch is the roof?
When the Velux rep re-installed, did he actually remove the entire skylight and re-install it? That's how I would habdle the problem now. I would remove all the flashing also and use new. Also put that self adhesive rubber bitithane bituminous membrane. also known as ice and water barrier over the roof deck (wood) and up under the flashing. bring it out onto the roof deck about a foot or so if possible. Then re-roof over the rubber and flashing kit. There should be no leaks fron the roof-to-skylight area after that.
Is there anything that has flashing above the skylight? Like a plumbing vent, or bathroom vent, or chimney? Or even the ridge vent could be letting water in and it's running down the roof under the shingles untill it gets to that nice big hole where the skylight is.
It might be the sash itself is not seating properly and allowing water to seap in at the lower corners. There is a gutter at the lower edge that catches the water and channels it out and away. If it is caulked or clogged the water has no where to go.
I would call Velux and give them another chance to correct the problem. Have them replace the skylight and flashing kit too.
Let us know how it turns out!! | I also have a leaking skylight that has been leaking behind my wall and now the drywall as well as some wood inside the wall is damaged, basically rotten from the water. Is it Velux's responsibility to fix the repairs due to the leaking skylight? | I have had a year of experience with this problem and finally solved it after half a dozen yahoos tried to sell me a new roof and I wasted several hundred dollars with others who really didn't knwo their socks from their shoes.
I finally realized that the water was coming in at the lower corners of the skylight. The wood on the sash was black with mildew and standing water could be seen. I took photos and sent them to Velux. I checked the sash for being straight. It wasn't. It was bowed about 1/4" with the corners high and the center low. Well, it follows that if the sash is curved and the sill is straight and the corners are up in the air by 1/4" it is going to leak!
I called Velux and they sent me a "contractor" who was all PR and no training ( he didn't even know how to operate my skylight) He said my roof was too shallow and I needed a curb to bring it up to a minimum of 3/12. At that point is was 2/12.
Why do we listen to these people? They are authroity figures, I guess.
I build a curb with Velux plans, ordered a new flashing kit from them and am prepared to remove and re-install the skylight.
During during that time I began to open the skylight for ventilation ( it is spring). It rained! No, it poured!
I noticed that the leak stopped! I rechecked the sash and the wood sash has dried out and straightened out so it is now only a 1/8" bow and the corners are down where they should be.
Now I don't know whether or not to go through with the removal and re-installationt. I only have $10 in lumber in the curb and $200 in the flashing kit (still hasn't arrived) but I have some really nasty labor on the roof to live through.
My alternative is to install a piece of 1" angle iron on the side of the sash to pull the corners down and remove the last 1/8" out of the bow and just leave it in place.
Too soon old and too late smart.
Lesson learned (again); dig in, look around, trust your own ability.
Frank Parish | Hi Frank,
Great story, thanks for sharing it. I had some roof windows that kept popping open slightly whenever someone slammed an exterior door (air pressure changes). A new pair of windows fixed that.
But whoever invented the skylight, the cutting of a hole into a perfectly good roof, ought to be dragged out back and taught a lesson.  | |