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I have a Porter Cable BN200 18 ga brad nailer. It doesn't fire a nail every time anymore. I have tried different nails and get the same results.
Any ideas??? |
I would have a few questions for you.
1- what pressure do you use the nail gun at?
2- what brand brads do you use?
3- how much oil do you use on a daily basis? (or when you use the nail gun)
4- does a nail come out and jam or no nail at all?
5- does the nailgun seem to be cycling properly except no nail comes out?
6- have you cleaned the gun recently?
After you answer the above, I can help!! |
TheGuru wrote: I would have a few questions for you.
1- what pressure do you use the nail gun at?
2- what brand brads do you use?
3- how much oil do you use on a daily basis? (or when you use the nail gun)
4- does a nail come out and jam or no nail at all?
5- does the nailgun seem to be cycling properly except no nail comes out?
6- have you cleaned the gun recently?
After you answer the above, I can help!! |
Ok I can answer all those!
1) about 100 psi
2) I use Porter Cable or whatever Home Depot has on "special buy"
3) 1 - 2 drops any day I am going to use the nailer
4) 4 to 5 shots with no nail then maybe 1 will do what it is supposed to do
5) Yes, it sounds normal in every way except no nail
6) Yup, took it apart and cleaned everything I could think of, lubed it up and put it back together. Still not working right.
I would also like to point out that if I look at the piston after a no nail cycle, it hasn't come back all the way to pick up the next nail. Someone told me to try shorter nails, but that wouldn't help either, because the piston would still be in the way of the next nail feeding in, unless I used like 1/2" nails! |
I have had nail guns do the exact same thing. Some leaked air and some didn't leak at all. Some even leaked air from the trigger.
What you need is an O-ring kit. There are two different ones available from Porter Cable. One for the bottom and one for the top. Some repair experts say it is the top o-rings while others say its the bottom, so maybe get both! Then your safe. They take about 1/2 hour to install. Make sure the inside is nice and clean as well as oiled before re-assembly.
The part numbers for Genuine Porter Cable kits are:
Bottom Maintenance Kit for BN200 and NS150 - 60005 (about $25.00)
Upper Maintenance Kit for BN/NS - 60001 (about $15.00)
There are other companies making repair kits for about half that cost too. But be careful, some may not fit too well. |
I see you gave part numbers for the top kit and the bottom kit. Having the same problem, I checked locally and they feel the problem is the driver maintenance kit, #60011.
I see you are speaking from experience and would appreciate your input on this as I need to buy whatever will fix my nailer. |
Well I decided to throw away the Porter Cable nailer and just buy a new one. The cost to repair the old one was getting to be close to the price of just purchasing a new 18 guage gun.
I decided to get a nail gun with a lifetime free repairs. I went with Bostitch BT200 about $85.00. Same nail sizes 1/2" - 2". Bostitch offers 'Swat Meets' where they will repair any nail gun free if you buy a box of nails. They are usually at a local lumber yard during the warmer months. You could check the bostitch website to see when and where they are. I have had other nail guns rebuilt free this way! Great service!! |
I had the same problem with a Porter Gable NS 150 stapler. After much research, I found a Product Service Bulletin #425 covering models NS 100,NS 150, BN 125,and BN 200. It says the problem is debris caught in the exhaust port. You have to remove a roll pin to clean it out. I just did mine and it is now working like new. Thought this may be helpful to others. Bert |
Bert66 wrote: I had the same problem with a Porter Gable NS 150 stapler. After much research, I found a Product Service Bulletin #425 covering models NS 100,NS 150, BN 125,and BN 200. It says the problem is debris caught in the exhaust port. You have to remove a roll pin to clean it out. I just did mine and it is now working like new. Thought this may be helpful to others. Bert |
Can you pass along the info to the PSB? I'd like to repair my BN200 but not sure how to clean out the exhaust port. |
I can't seem to find that Product Service Bulletin #425.
Could you post a link to it so we could see if it is the problem? |
Bert66 wrote: It says the problem is debris caught in the exhaust port. You have to remove a roll pin to clean it out |
Just did mine, taking off the top (black part) first, then removing the roll pin in that, and saw a bunch of gunk inside it. Spent some time cleaning it out with a small pick and air and it now works GREAT. Thanks Bert. |
Can you describe the repair procedure? |
Ron wrote: Cool!
Can you describe the repair procedure? |
I used a nail and small hammer to push the roll pin out then used air pressure to clean out. Works great now. |
seems there is a neopreen piece that is in the back cap that falls apart and clogs the exahust. Mine is working great now except if I hold the trigger air flows from the exahust. Any ideas what would do this? |
Awsome. I have a gun that wont retract and i have taken it apart several times without being able to figure anything out. Now that I read about the top exhaust wearing out I have new hope. Going to go take it apart right now. If it does not work still, I am going to drag it behind my car on trip to texas from oregon. |
Well, it worked. I did not see any crap in the port bt I took it apart and cleaned it anyway. And it worked great afterwards. The only thing I noticed was that the spring rests against some plastic absorber that had seemed to chip off in a few places leaving some particles near a seal. Probably more going on with dirt in there though.
I squirted lithium spray grease in the seals to clean them, it was all I had. I would not use WD-40 or any other hard cleaner because that stuff eats seals.
Not bad for a stapler I bought on a motorcycle trip in cetral Oregon for about 15 bucks. Paid the lady extra to send it to my address since I could not carry.
If it had not been for this page I would had junked the whole thing. I was about to give up. This is the only page I found on entire internet that spoke about this particular problem.
I looked at seals.... but to pay the 40 bucks for the set made no sense. I kept searching for "not retracting: porter cable ns150" and after one hour saw someone asking the same thing. Dudes..... why not go global? |
I'd love to go global, any suggestions?  |
I had the same problem, after reading about debris in the exhaust port I took it apart, no dirt in the port so I removed the exhaust plunger and oiled it up with the gun oil and it works fine. |
You folks are great, I to had the same problem, after reading about debris in the exhaust port I took it apart, no dirt in the port so I removed the exhaust plunger and oiled it up with the gun oil and it works fine. Thanks To All !! |
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I was also having problems with my Porter Cable BN200 Nailer not firing correctly. After purchasing a rebuild kit, and the problem still not being fixed, I found your site and read thru the postings, and lo and behold, someone else was having the same problem. I removed the roll pin from the exhaust port, as you advised, and cleaned out the yellowish plastic pieces in there, and it now works like a new gun.
Keep up the great work!
Wisconsin |
I hgad the same problem of my nailer not firing/pin retracting after each shot. I was ready to get a new o=ring kit when i read this forum and tried the cleaning of the exhaust. WOW, it was clogged with the same hard yellowish crap mentioned above. My yellowish seal the spring sits in was intact, so what it appears to be to me is dried lubrucation oil in the port being trapped by the pin.
Thanks for the good advice. My gun is working again! |
Kudos to whom ever posted the "clean out the exhaust port". I've had this gun for years and probably haven't cycled 100 nails out of it. But as you said the exhaust port needed cleaned.
Thanks |
I just cleaned my nailer with parts cleaner and sprayed it well with silcone spray. I did not remove the roll pin. I did see some white pieces which must have been part of the gasket inside. It works now.
It was nailing but the driver would not return completly. |
Do this before trying any kit! Drive the pin out in front of the exhaust port and clean the port with WD-40 with the red straw attached while holding the exhaust port down so it will drain the debris and WD-40. Replace pin .... works like new! |
I'm having a problem with the thin plate that covers front of the piece where the brads come out of. (it would so helpful if I knew what to call it)
It's a very thin piece of metal about 4 inches long an about 1/4 inch wide. I thought at first the piece was missing, but when I took it apart found it had retracted back up into the gun. I put it back together, but goes back up after firing it only once. Right now, the brads remain sticking above the surface by 1/8 of an inch. (it's not the pressure)
Help. =) |
OK....never mind. My face is red.
I figured out what the problem was. Being as I had never taken the nailer apart before, I didn't know that the DRVR SHOULD be retracted.
When I took it apart, I was careful to notice how everything was....and as it happens....the piece I was describing was 'down' (which was the problem) I assumed that's how it should be.'s becoming clear that if anybody could have answered this muddled up question, it would have been nothing short of a miracle. As it turns out, I figured out the problem...fixed it....and it's working great once again. |
Could you please provide a link to the Service Bulletin # 425 for repairing the Porter Cable nailer? |
can anyone tell me how to set the depth of the driver on the BN200? i dont have the manual and cant find one online.
thanx  |
I had just purchased the overhaul kit and finished overhauling my BN200 because of the head retraction problem and it didn't fix it. I was just about ready to dump my nailer and then I came across this site. I cleaned out the exhaust port as was suggested and now it works as good as new. Thanks so much for the advice. |
wow thanks for the advise on cleaning the exaust port, I had completely disasebled the gun and inspected the parts accept the pin in the exaust port and put it toegther with the same problem. thanks for the information on your forum.
B. |